Olivia is a real cat who, in 2020, wormed her way into author, Patricia Fry’s, home and heart. Although calico is not a breed of cat and the calicos appear in many actual breeds, most people who have loved a calico will tell you that they are a cat of a different color—many colors, actually. A calico is a tri-color cat—either black, orange, and white or grey, soft tangerine, and white. While a calico can be just about the sweetest and most loyal cats around, many of them also exhibit a mischievous quirk that can, at times, be described as wicked. They’re clever, smart, humorous, adventuresome, often trainable, but obstinate, and delightful to have around, when they aren’t being destructive. They can be described as the oxymoron of the cat species. And I think that’s why we love them. They’re beautiful and they’re interesting—challenging, but extremely loveable. Olivia has proven to meet all of the known qualifications of a typical calico, plus some no one has thought of yet. I guess you could say she’s a calico on steroids.
Olivia is somewhat of a Facebook phenom. When Patricia began posting pictures of Olivia and revealing some of her quirks and qualities, people were fascinated. Over the last several months she has garnered many fans. So what else would this full-time cozy mystery writer decide to do, but write about Olivia?
Olivia’s debut book is part of the Klepto Cat Mystery series—Book 51, Calico Calamities. Her own series debuted in May, 2021. You’ll want to read Calico Calamities and get up to speed regarding Olivia’s story. And be sure to purchase either the print or Kindle version of Book One of the Calico Cat Mysteries, Oh! Olivia.
Olivia’s Stats:
Date born: Around May 1, 2020
Where: Under a house in Los Angeles County, CA
Type: Patched Calico
Description: Rich patches of black and orange with white paws and belly.
(She looks like she was dipped in a bucket of white paint.)
Fur: Silky, fluffy, medium length
Eyes: Gold/green.
Tail: Bushy
Weight: Age 1 year (May 1, 2021) weighs 11 pounds, and counting.
Breed background: According to her DNA report, she is a combination of many breeds—most interestingly and apropos are Maine coon, Ragdoll, Savannah, and Abyssinian. According to the DNA report, the wild cat she’s most closely related to is the Cheetah.
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